姓 名:刘齐民
性 别:男
职 称:副教授/硕导
学 历:博士研究生
学 位:博士
邮 箱:liuqm@whut.edu.cn
2006.09~2010.07 西安交通大学,学士
2010.09~2013.07 中国科学院大学,硕士
2014.08~2019.05 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士
2019.03~至今 万象城awc官网登录入口,万象城awc官网登录入口,副教授
近五年在Nature communications, Bioactive materials, Ceramics international, International journal of solids and structures, International journal of mechanical sciences等高水平期刊发表20余篇学术论文,撰写Elsevier英文专著1章,申请发明专利4项,已授权1项。主讲《弹性力学与有限元法》、《混凝土耐久性理论与应用》等课程。课题组与新加坡国立大学、英国斯旺西大学、莫纳什大学、香港中文大学等高校合作紧密。
Here is the link for my full publication list.
1.An Electrochemical Model to Characterize the Chloride Ion Ingress in Multi-phases Concrete Structure with the Effect of Ionic Solution,Electrochimica Acta,2023, In press (第一作者,JCR Q1).
2.Impact of Interface Stress on Responsive Deformation of Magnetic Hydrogel,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2023, 247, 108151. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
3.Mechano-responsive Hydrogel for Direct Stem Cell Manufacturing to Therapy, Bioactive materials, 2023, 24, 387-400. (共同一作, IF: 16.9, JCR Q1)
4.Towards a Chemo-mechanical Coupled Theory of Physical Hydrogel for Sol–gel Transition Identified by Crosslink Density. International Journal of Solids and Structures,2022, 254-255, 111921. (通讯作者, JCR Q1)
5.A Multiphysics Model of Magnetic Hydrogel Under a Moving Magnet For Targeted Drug Delivery. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2022, 215, 106963.(第一作者, JCR Q1)
6.Transient Modeling of Magneto-Chemo-Electro-Mechanical Behavior of Magnetic Polyelectrolyte Hydrogel. Mechanics of Materials,2021, 155, 103783. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
7.A Transient Simulation to Predict the Kinetic Behavior of Magnetic-Sensitive Hydrogel Responsive to Magnetic Stimulus.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2020, 182, 105765. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
8.Transformation of Hard Pollen into Soft Matter. Nature Communications,2020, 11, 1449. (参与, JCR Q1, IF: 17.7)
9.Multiphysics Modeling of Responsive Deformation of Dual Magnetic-pH-Sensitive Hydrogel.International Journal of Solids and Structures,2020, 190, 76-92. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
10.Modeling of a Fast-Response Magnetic-Sensitive Hydrogel for Dynamic Controlof Microfluidic Flow. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2019, 21, 1852-1862. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
Liu, Q.Large deformation behavior of magnetic hydrogels in The Mechanics of Hydrogels, Elsevier, 2022, 289-306.