姓 名:毛羚
性 别:女
职 称:高级实验师/硕导
学 位:工学博士
电 话:13886199131
邮 箱:maoling-1985@163.com
2003.09~2007.06 万象城awc官网登录入口,土木工程,工学学士
2007.09~2009.12 万象城awc官网登录入口,结构工程,工学硕士
2011.09~2015.03 华中科技大学,结构工程,工学博士
2015.03~2018.09 版权所有 万象城AWC·(中国)官方网站-登录入口实验师
2018.09~至今版权所有 万象城AWC·(中国)官方网站-登录入口高级实验师、硕士导师
结构健康监测; 结构模型修正与损伤识别; 结构振动控制
[1] Ling Mao; Shun Weng; Shujin Li; Hongping Zhu; Yanhua Sun. Statistical damage identification method based on dynamic response sensitivity, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2020, 39(3): 560-571.
[2] Hongping Zhu; Ling Mao; Shun Weng. Structural damage and force identification under moving load, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 53(2): 261-276.
[3] Hongping Zhu; Ling Mao; Shun Weng. A sensitivity-based structural damage identification method with unknown input excitation using transmissibility concept, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(26): 7135-7150.
[4] Hongping Zhu; Ling Mao; Shun Weng. Calculation of dynamic response sensitivity to substructural damage identification under moving load, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2013, 16(9): 1621-1631.
[5] Ling Mao; Hongping Zhu; Shun Weng. Statistic damage identification method based on dynamic response sensitivity, The 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring(6WCSCM), Barcelona, Spain, 2014-7-15至2014-7-17.
[6] Ling Mao; Hongping Zhu; Shun Weng. Calculation of dynamic response sensitivity based on response reconstruction technique, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Hong Kong, 2013-9-9至2013-9-11.
[7] Ling Mao; Hongping Zhu; Shun Weng. Dynamic analysis of vehicle-track-tunnel-soil system with a substructure approach, The 12th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences, Crete, Greece, 2012-4-30至2012-5-4.
[8] 朱宏平; 毛羚; 翁顺. 一种移动荷载下简支梁损伤和移动力同时识别方法, 2018-1-26, 中国, ZL 2014 1 0527720.3
[9] 朱宏平; 翁顺; 夏勇; 毛羚. 一种基于逆向子结构的有限元模型修正方法, 2017-9-29, 中国, ZL 2014 1 0669646.9