姓 名:李涛
性 别:男
籍 贯:山东
现 居:湖北武汉
职 称:副教授/硕导
学 位:工学博士
2018.09~至今 万象城awc官网登录入口土建院,副教授,
2017.08~2018.08 新加坡国立大学,博士后
2016.03~2017.06 南洋理工大学,博士后
2012.08~2016.11 南洋理工大学,土木工程专业,博士
2010.08~2012.07 南洋理工大学,科研项目官员
1. 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会青年理事
2. 中国工程建设标准化协会轻型钢结构专业委员会委员
3. 武汉土木建筑学会钢结构专委会秘书长
1. 基于缺口应力的超声冲击处理焊接钢节点疲劳寿命提高机理及预测方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2020.1-2022.12.
2. 低层海岛建筑高性能装配式结构研发及智能设计,海南省科技厅重点研发计划,参与,2021
3. 跨铁路顶推钢箱梁及挂篮悬浇梁施工技术研究,企业合作,主持,2024.4-2026.6
4. 不同规格可取出预埋件及连接件组合有限元分析及整体加载试验测试,企业合作,主持,2022.6-2022.9
5. 大跨度变截面厂房钢梁施工技术研究,企业合作,主持,2022.1-2023.12
6. 武汉长江中心内爬塔吊/轻量化顶模可周转附着件受力性能试验研究,企业合作,主持,2021.3-2021.7
7. 宜昌香溪河大桥主塔支架监测技术服务,企业合作,主持,2021.6-2022.9
8. 基于BIM模型的网壳结构高空散装关键技术及网壳轻量化研究,企业合作,主持,2021.9-2023.12
1. Li Tao, Li Yong, Willybright Mushi, Huang Zhenyu*, et al. Experimental study of the static and hysteretic performance of grouted steel beam-column inter-connections for modular integrated construction. 2024.Engineering Structures.
2. Li Tao, Liu Mingliang, Willybright Mushi, Huang Zhenyu*, et al. Hysteretic performance of novel grouted steel beam-column corner-connections for modular integrated construction. 2024. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.
3. Li Tao, Zhang Chao, Huang Guotai, Feng Liuyang*, et al. Fatigue life prediction of prefatigued welded Q235 steel butt-joints treated by high frequency mechanical impact. 2024. International Journal of Steel Structures.
4. Huang Zhenyu, Zhao Xiaolong, Deng Weixiong, Zhang Wei, Li Tao*, et al. Flexural performance of high strength grouted SHS tube-sleeve connection for modular construction. 2024.Thin-walled Structures.
5. Li Chengyu, Huang Sheng, Hu Yanping, Li Tao*, et al. Seismic performance of H-shaped steel columns with slip friction connections at column ends. 2024. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.
6. Wang Xiaoping, Li Fan, Wan Liangdong, Li Tao*. Hysteretic performance of a novel composite wall panel consisted of a light-steel frame and aerated concrete blocks, 2022. Steel and Composite Structures.
7. Wang Xiaoping, Liu Fuyong, Li Xiangxue, Li Tao*, et al. Static bearing capacity investigation of a novel prefabricated light-steel beam-column connection, 2022. Applied Science.
8. Wang Xiaoping, Yuan Xun, Zeng Hui, Li Tao*, et al. Bearing capacity and failure mode of a light-steel tubular K-joint connected by a novel U-shape connector,2021. Applied Science.
9. He Zhiyun, Zhang Tong, Li Tao*. Static bearing capacity investigation of grouted square hollow section sleeve connection, 2021. Advances in Structural Engineering.
10. Li Tao*, Lie Seng Tjhen, Cong Peiwen. Effect of chord axial stresses on the static strength of cracked tubular T/Y-joints under out-of-plane and in-plane bending, 2019. Advances in Structural Engineering.
11. 李涛,刘明亮,张彤. 新型模块装配式灌浆钢梁柱节点滞回性能试验研究,2022.建筑钢结构进展.
12. 李涛,汪洋,甘进,邵永波.超声冲击处理焊接节点疲劳性能改善与疲劳寿命预测方法研究进展,2022.建筑钢结构进展.
13. 李涛,肖彬,李勇,等. 方钢管灌浆连接节点轴压性能试验研究,2023,西安建筑科技大学学报.
1. 一种模块装配式建筑梁柱节点连接结构,发明专利,授权(已转化)
2. 一种油气运输金属管道墩头焊接方法,发明专利,授权