姓 名:张世羊
性 别:男
职 称:副研究员/硕士生导师
学 位:博士
邮 箱:zhangshiyang@whut.edu.cn; zhangshiyang7@126.com
2000.09~2004.07 西南大学 =工学学士
2004.09~2010.02 中国科学院水生生物研究所 理学博士
2010.04~2013.12 中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所 助理研究员
2014.01~2015.10 中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所 副研究员
2015.11~今 版权所有 万象城AWC·(中国)官方网站-登录入口 副研究员
主要从事污水生物处理与资源化利用、生物脱氮除磷、养殖尾水处理、湿地生态修复工程设计、水生态环境监测与评估等。主持过国家自然科学基金、湖北省自然科学基金、“十二五”科技支撑计划子课题、万象城awc官网登录入口自主创新基金、农业农村部重点实验室开放基金等项目。发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇;获国家授权发明专利十余项。目前为Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Material、Bioresource Technology等二十余个SCI期刊审稿人。
1. Wentao Zhu; Zhiwei Tang; Gang Peng*; Zhi Wang; Weibo Wang; Yan Zhang; Jing Wang; Shiyang Zhang*. Deciphering the response of heterotrophic, autotrophic and mixotrophic denitrification to enrofloxacin stress: Performance, denitrifying community and antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434, 140119.
2. Sicheng Yuan; Qingbo Zhong; Hongjun Zhang; Wentao Zhu; Weibo Wang; Shiyang Zhang*. Deciphering the influencing mechanism of hydraulic retention time on purification performance of a mixotrophic system from the perspective of reaction kinetics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024,31(9), 12933-12947.
3. Sicheng Yuan; Qingbo Zhong; Hongjun Zhang; Wentao Zhu; Weibo Wang; Meng Li; Xinhua Tang; Shiyang Zhang*. The enrichment of more functional microbes induced by the increasing hydraulic retention time accounts for the increment of autotrophic denitrification performance. Environmental Research, 2023, 236,116848.
4. Longqu Xiao#; Shiyang Zhang#; Boqi Chen; Panpan Wu; Ningdong Feng*, Feng Deng, Zhi Wang*. Visible-light photocatalysis degradation of enrofloxacin by crawfish shell biochar combined with g-C3N4: Effects and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3): 109693.
5. Wentao Zhu; Jing Chen; Hongjun Zhang; Sicheng Yuan; Weijie Guo;Qian Zhang; Shiyang Zhang*. Start-up phase optimization of pyrite-intensified hybrid sequencing batch biofilm reactor (PIHSBBR): Mixotrophic denitrification performance and mechanism. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 330,117232.
6. Wentao Zhu; Jing Chen; Sicheng Yuan; Wenjiao Sang; Yihui Ban; Shiyang Zhang*. Impact of aeration frequency on performance of mixotrophic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) treating real domestic wastewater: Removal efficiency, pathways, and mechanisms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 385, 135747.
7. Sicheng Yuan; Wentao Zhu; Weijie Guo; Wenjiao Sang; Shiyang Zhang*. Effect of hydraulic retention time on performance of autotrophic, heterotrophic, and split-mixotrophic denitrification systems supported by polycaprolactone/pyrite: Difference and potential explanation. Water Environment Research, 2022, 94(12), e10820.
8. Xin Yang; Zhiwei Tang; Longqu Xiao; Shaohui Zhang; Jing Jin; Shiyang Zhang*. Effect of electric current intensity on performance of polycaprolactone/FeS2-based mixotrophic biofilm–electrode reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 361: 127757.
9. Xin Yang; Julin Yuan; Weijie Guo; Xinhua Tang; Shiyang Zhang*. The enzymes-based intermediary model explains the influence mechanism of different aeration strategies on nitrogen removal in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor treating simulated aquaculture wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 356: 131835.
10. Wentao Zhu; Xuehui Zhang; Sicheng Yuan; Wenjiao Sang; Xinhua Tang; Shiyang Zhang*. Effects of different aeration strategies on removal of organics, nitrogen and phosphorus in sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR): Performance, microbial community and nitrogen cycling pathways. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2022, 49: 103118.
11. Shiyang Zhang*; Zhiwei Tang; Shibin Xia; Yinghe Jiang; Meng Li; Bing Wang. The intrinsic relevance of nitrogen removal pathway to varying nitrate loading rate in a polycaprolactone-supported denitrification system. Biodegradation, 2022, 33(4): 317-331.
12. Shiyang Zhang*; Longqu Xiao; Zhiwei Tang; Xiangling Zhang; Zhi Wang. Microbial explanation to performance stratification along up-flow solid-phase denitrification column packed with polycaprolactone. Bioresource technology, 2022, 343: 126066.
13. Xin He; Shiyang Zhang*; Yinghe Jiang; Meng Li; Julin Yuan; Guangjun Wang. Influence mechanism of filling ratio on solid-phase denitrification with polycaprolactone as biofilm carrier. Bioresource technology, 2021, 337: 125401.
14. Shiyang Zhang*; Jing Chen; Wenjiao Sang; Meng Li; Veljko Prodanovic; Kefeng Zhang. Metagenomic insights into the explanation of biofilter performance distinction induced by dissolved oxygen increment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 153: 329-338.
15. Shiyang Zhang*; Qingbo Zhong; Yinghe Jiang; Meng Li; Shibin Xia. Temperature-induced difference in microbial characterizations accounts for the fluctuation of sequencing batch biofilm reactor performance. Biodegradation, 2021, 32(5): 595-610.
16. Shiyang Zhang*; Xin He; Veljko Prodanovic; Kefeng Zhang. Effect of filling ratio and backwash on performance of a continuous-flow SPD reactor packed with PCL as carbon source. Water Environment Research, 2021, 93(8): 1381-1390.
17. Shiyang Zhang*; Jing Chen; Julin Yuan; Guangjun Wang. Response of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification to DO increments in continuously aerated biofilm reactors for aquaculture wastewater treatment. Water Practice and Technology, 2021, 16 (4): 1067–1077.
18. Shiyang Zhang*; Xiaoliang Jiang; Meng Li; Qian Zhang; Julin Yuan; Weijie Guo. Effects of deoxygenation pretreatment and dissolved oxygen adjustment on performance of double-layer-packed sequencing biofilm batch reactor treating secondary effluent under low temperature. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258: 120650.
19. Shiyang Zhang; Shibin Xia; Wenjiao Sang; Julin Yuan*; Weijie Guo. Evaluation of functional microbes in explaining biofilter performance during start-up. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277: 123503.
20. Shiyang Zhang; Julin Yuan*; Weijie Guo. Metagenomic insights into microbial characterizations in explaining the distinction of biofilter performance during start-up. Biodegradation, 2020, 31(3): 183-199.
21. Shiyang Zhang*; Changbo Zhu; Shibin Xia; Meng Li. Impact of different running conditions on performance of biofilters treating secondary effluent during start-up. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 281: 168-178.
22. Shiyang Zhang; Yihui Ban; Zhouying Xu; Jing Cheng; Meng Li*. Comparative evaluation of influencing factors on aquaculture wastewater treatment by various constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 93: 221–225.
23. Shiyang Zhang*; Meng Li; Jing Cheng; Zhouying Xu; Jianming Chen*. Response and environmental assessment of two Chinese conventional carps to water quality regulation in recirculating aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering, 2016, 74: 180–185.
24. Shiyang Zhang*; Gu Li; Xiaoli Li; Ling Tao. Multiple linear modeling of outflow nitrogen dynamics in vertical-flow constructed wetlands under two different operating states. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 81: 53–61.
25. Shi-yang Zhang*; Gu Li; Xiao-li Li; Ling Tao. Four stage hybrid constructed wetlands treating low-strength aquaculture wastewater with and without artificial aeration. Environment Protection Engineering, 2015, 41(3): 31–42.
26. Shi-yang Zhang; Gu Li*; Jun-jun Chang; Xiao-li Li; Ling Tao. Aerated Enhanced Treatment of Aquaculture Effluent by Three-stage, Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetlands under a High Loading Rate. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2014, 23(5): 1821–1830.
27. Shi-Yang Zhang; Gu Li*; Hui-Bi Wu; Xing-Guo Liu; Yan-Hong Yao; Ling Tao; Huang Liu. An integrated recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for land-based fish farming: the effects on water quality and fish production. Aquacultural Engineering, 2011, 45: 93–102.
28. Shi-yang Zhang; Ai-fen Liu; Jian-min Ma; Qiao-hong Zhou; Dong Xu; Shui-ping Cheng; Qiang Zhao; Zhen-bin Wu*. Changes in physicochemical and biological factors during regime shifts in a restoration demonstration of macrophytes in a small hypereutrophic Chinese lake. Ecological Engineering, 2010, 36: 1611–1619.
29. Shiyang Zhang; Qiaohong Zhou; Dong Xu; Jidong Lin; Shuiping Cheng; Zhenbin Wu*. Effects of sediment dredging on water quality and zooplankton community structure in a shallow of eutrophic lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(2): 218–224.
30. Shi-yang Zhang; Qiao-hong Zhou; Dong Xu; Feng He; Shui-ping Cheng; Wei Liang; Cheng Du; Zhen-bin Wu*. Vertical-flow constructed wetlands applied in a recirculating aquaculture system for channel catfish culture: effects on water quality and zooplankton. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2010, 19(5): 1063–1070.
31. 江肖良; 李孟; 张少辉; 张世羊*. 4种不同工况生物滤池净化效能与微生物特性分析J.. 环境科学, 2018, 39(12): 5503-5513.
32. 张世羊; 张胜花; 张翔凌; 王广军*. 组合生物滤池对养殖废水的净化效率及影响因素分析J.. 环境科学, 2017, 38(6): 2419–2428.
33. 张世羊; 常军军; 高毛林; 李谷*. 曝气对垂直流湿地处理水产养殖废水脱氮的影响. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(9): 235–241.
34. 张世羊; 李谷*; 陶玲; 李晓莉. 不同增氧方式对精养池塘溶氧的影响. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(17): 169–175.
35. 张世羊; 周巧红; 成水平; 吴振斌*. 复合养殖系统中浮游动物种类丰度及其影响因素. 中国环境科学, 2009, 29: 745–750.
1. ZL202321964896.6. 张世羊; 张宏珺; 杨鑫; 李政; 袁钟豪. 外加电极强化的自养反硝化快速启动的脱氮装置.
2. ZL201910759527.5. 张世羊; 江肖良; 李孟; 班宜辉; 张倩; 徐舟影. 一种喀斯特山区农村污水无动力去除装置.
3. ZL201910529686.6. 张世羊; 张学辉; 江肖良; 何鑫; 李孟. 一种高氨氮高有机物废水的碳氮去除装置及方法.
4. ZL201810908346.X. 张世羊; 江肖良. 一种基于甲烷氧化的污水厂尾水深度脱氮装置.
5. ZL201610537144.X. 张世羊; 班宜辉; 张少辉; 程静; 徐舟影; 李翠华. 一种城市黑臭河道的生态修复装置及方法.
6. ZL201610584384.5. 张世羊. 一种削减入湖径流营养负荷的综合水处理方法.
7. ZL201510703764.1. 张世羊. 一种池塘高氨氮养殖废水的深度处理装置.
8. ZL201510066695.8. 张世羊; 李谷; 李晓莉; 陶玲. 一种工厂化水产养殖尾水高效脱氮装置.
9. ZL201310237040.3. 张世羊; 李谷; 李晓莉; 陶玲. 一种基于沟塘复合系统的生态渔业养殖方法及装置.
10. ZL201310199395.8. 张世羊; 李谷; 李晓莉; 陶玲. 一种基于多营养级生态沟渠的综合水产养殖装置及方法.