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  姓    名:盛绍宇

  性    别:男


  学  历:博士研究生

  学  位:工学博士

  电  话15274998494

  邮  箱shaoyu_sheng@whut.edu.cn


2012.09-2016.06:湖南大学 建筑环境与设备工程 学士








  • 自然、机械通风理论与设备:室内气流组织;通风空调系统;流体污染物防控;风洞与人工气候实验室实验;气流、热、粒子模拟解析。

  • 建筑碳中和技术高效率通风空调;外墙反射材料;太阳能热利用。

  • 热环境、舒适性空调:对流辐射空调;热舒适评价。


  • 日本国立研究开发法人科学振兴机构(JST)次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム(JST SPRING,Grant Number JPMJSP2138),空調・換気効率とペリメータ対策を考慮した静穏空調システムの設計手法に関する研究,2021-2023,约25万元,主持;

  • 基于领域分割法的街区与建筑尺度的自然通风气流预测方法,株式会社大林组(日),2024.3-2025.3,约10万元,特聘研究员;

  • 结合通风系统和热羽流的会话空间感染预防技术,大阪瓦斯株式会社(日),2022.10-2024.3,约20万元,特聘研究员;

  • 基于置换通风的高效率、无风感病房用诱引给气装置,木村工机株式会社(日),2020.6-2025.3,约50万元,学生技术骨干→特聘研究员;

  • 基于分割式透气性薄膜天花板的对流·辐射并用空调系统,大金工业株式会社(日),2020.6-2022.4,约20万元,学生技术骨干;

  • 温度响应条状风口的开发与建筑物周边区环境评估,鹿岛建设株式会社技术研究所(日),2018.10-2022.10,约15万元,学生技术骨干;



在日留学、工作8年,博士生期间入选了由日本国立科学振兴机构牵头的“次世代研究者开创性研究”(JST SPRING)日本国家级人才项目。以学生技术骨干、特聘研究员身份参与了与日本大金空调、木村工机、鹿岛建设、大林组、大阪瓦斯等行业顶尖企业的多项校企合作。成果于日本建筑学会、空气调和与卫生工学会、室内环境学会做大会报告三十余次并收录大会论文集。

发表SCI论文7篇,其中6篇以第一兼通讯作者身份在建环领域顶刊《Building and Environment》、《Indoor Environment》上见刊。另在《日本空气卫生与调和工学会会刊》上发表日语学术论文1篇。



  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Nobukazu Chou, “Ventilation efficiency and improvements for displacement ventilation systems during heating: A case study of a ward with vertical induction units”, Building and Environment, 2024.12, vol.266, 112037.

  • 盛紹宇*,山中俊夫,小林知広,崔ナレ,“縦型誘引吹出空調を有する4床病室の換気性能に関する研究 −実大実験室実験に基づく室内換気効率の評価−”,空気調和・衛生工学会論文集, 2024.07, No.328, pp.9-19.

  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Narae Choi, Shuji Yodono, “Draft-Free Air Conditioning through Split Membrane Ceiling System: An Exploratory Study,Indoor Environment, 2024.06, vol.1, 100017.

  • Jihui Yuan, Yasuhiro Shimazaki, Masaki Tajima, Shaoyu Sheng, Zhichao Jiao, Marko Bizjak, “Investigating the influence of reflective materials on indoor thermal environment and solar reflectance in buildings”,Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024.05, vol.57, 104333.

  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Narae Choi, Nobukazu Chou, “Performance of all-air wall induction unit for displacement ventilation in a four-bed hospital ward during the cooling period”,Building and Environment, 2024.01, vol.248, 111101.

  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, “Heating and ventilation performance investigation of a novel linear slot diffuser with adaptive outlet area for near window applications”Building and Environment, 2023.10, vol.244, 110813.

  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Narae Choi, Nobukazu Chou, “Experimental study and CFD modelling of four-bed hospital ward with all-air wall induction unit for air-conditioning”Building and Environment, 2022.08, vol.222, 109388.

  • Shaoyu Sheng*, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Jihui Yuan, Masahiro Katoh, “Modeling of supply airflow from slot line diffuser on ceiling for CFD of thermal environment in perimeter zone”, Building and Environment, 2022.02, vol.213, 108884.

  • Shaoyu Sheng, et. al., “A Study on Infectional Prevention Measures Using Table Top Thermal Plume Airflow (Part 3) Particle Behavior Analysis Derived from Conversation through Full-Scale Experiments and Unsteady CFD Analysis”, Conference paper of technical papers of meeting of the Kinki Branch of the Architectural Institute of Japan, 2024. 06 (in Japanese)

  • Shaoyu Sheng, et. al., “Study on the Blocking Effect of Thermal Plume from Tabletop Heating Elements on Speech-generated Infectious Particle”, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of Indoor Environment, Okinawa Japan, 2023.12 (in Japanese)

  • Shaoyu Sheng, e. al., “Study on Divided Type Membrane Ceiling Air-Conditioning System Using Ceiling Suspended PAC (Part 10) Experiment study and CFD modeling method of the air permeability of the membrane has the similar aperture ratio”, Conference paper of technical papers of meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan, Hokkaido, 2022.09 (in Japanese)

  • Shaoyu Sheng, et. al., “Study on ventilation performance of four-bed ward with vertical induction inlet unit (Part I) Prediction of indoor pollutant distribution by response function method and comparison with the CFD analysis”, Conference Paper of technical papers of meeting of the Kinki Branch of the Architectural Institute of Japan, P145-148, 2021.06 (in Japanese)

  • 地址:湖北省武汉市珞狮路122号 版权所有 万象城AWC·(中国)官方网站-登录入口
  • 邮编:430070
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